Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What's This?

One morning, Grandma needed to fast before going to the doctor for some tests. (Don’t worry, nothing is wrong with her.) When we arrived back at her retirement home they had already finished breakfast and Grandma was very hungry. Since I had to get back to work, I quickly swung by McDonalds and picked up oatmeal (the one with apples and walnuts) and a large orange juice. That should be healthy, right?

Grandma and I sat down at her table to eat and when I pushed the straw into her cup she asked “What is that?” This started the following conversation that felt like it went on for hours, but in reality probably only went on for a few minutes.

Me: It’s orange juice.
Gma: What do you do with it?
Me: You drink it. (Hands Gma the orange juice cup)
Gma: (Trying to chew on the lid) Like this?
Me: No. (I put the straw in her mouth) Now suck.
Gma: (Grandma sucks…her cheeks fill with liquid)
Me: Now swallow. (No swallowing occurs.) Swallow.
Gma: (Finally swallowing) Mmm…That’s good!
Me: Time for your oatmeal.
Gma: Oatmeal?
Me: Yes. Use the spoon and put the oatmeal in your mouth.
Gma: (Picks up a candle) Spoon?
Me: No, that is a candle. (Handing her a spoon) Here is a spoon.
Gma: Oh, why didn’t anyone tell me? (Gma takes out dentures)
Me: Grandma! Put those back in you need those to eat.
Gma: (After putting them back in she takes a bite and makes a face that shows she doesn’t like it) It’s chunky.
Me: Yes, it’s oatmeal with walnuts and apples.
Gma: (Takes another bite…makes another face, and looks at the orange juice.) What’s this?
Me: Orange juice.
Gma: What do I do with it? Drink it.
Me: Yes.
Gma: (after some prompting, drinks.) Oh. This is good. (Takes a bit of oatmeal and makes a face) It’s chunky.

As you can imagine, this continued until she had finished her oatmeal…which she absolutely hated, and made a face each time she took a bite. Next time, we’ll try an Egg McMuffin.